1. Falling leaves. I LOVE driving/walking outside when the wind is blowing and leaves are swirling all around. It's almost romantic.
2. Mums! I love them but Scott doesn't care for them too much so we don't have them. I love the various colors and designs in the petals.
3. Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte. Scott patrons Starbucks almost daily. My heart smiles when I get that phone call or text: "PSL has arrived at Starbucks today."
4. Fall Porch Decor. Women in the south who have an eye for all things fashionable are experts at fall porches. Since we do not have the blessing of watching leaves change colors here in the south we have to re-create the process. Oranges, browns, reds and greens adorn most house fronts.
5. The fair. Complete with a hot dog and elephant ear. When I was younger I would go on all the rides that turn you upside down and inside out but I can't do that anymore. I guess it's just part of aging.
6. The morning sky. It's different in the fall. I love waking up to crisp, cool air and a purple and pink sky. God paints those for us, you know! Isn't He good?!?!
7. The nighttime. I love the time around 4pm when the sun falls slightly to cast shadows in my home that only happens in the fall. Then, it becomes dark much sooner than the summer. It almost slows life down. For the Kavanaugh family, slowing down is a welcomed thing!
8. Turtlenecks & Sweaters. Most people around the country pull these out in September. Not us! In the south you might be lucky enough to pull them out in October. I love turtlenecks and sweaters!
9. Cornbread Dressing. I grew up loving cornbread dressing and we only had it twice a year - Thanksgiving and Christmas. When I got married that was one of the first dishes that I had to learn to make. At first I followed my grandmother's and mother's recipe but eventually I made it my own. Scott says it's the best he's ever had...even told my Grandmother and Mom that....can you believe it!?
10. Pumpkin Pie. This is an indulgence of mine that can only occur a few times a year or I'd be bigger than a house! You know the Philosophy brand of shower gel? The Pumpkin Pie shower gel has a recipe for Pumpkin Pie on the bottle....go try it! I'm just sayin'! Granddaddy Kavanaugh had a saying when he ate something good......Pow Budduh!
11. The Today Show. This is weird, I know. But honestly, the show is more interesting to me in the fall. Maybe it's because they have segments that pertain to my favorite time of year...comfort foods, fall fashion, etc. At any rate, it's more enjoyable to watch in the fall.
1 comment:
I LOVE your list!! Fall is my favorite time of year too. I anxiously await when the tree in my front yard finally turns orange (for about a week) in late November. We lived in PA once during autumn and I got to experience real fall leaves, apple orchards, pumpkin patches - I was in heaven!
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