Tags: scott, family

the godly leader of our family | natural born leader | athlete extraordinaire | determined | a finisher | my best friend | excellent father | businessman | RN | makes ma laugh a lot | makes others laugh a lot too | great dancer | mentor to several young guys (even though he doesn't see himself that way) | problem solver | loves movies that makes him laugh until his side hurts | disciplined

Tags: hannah, family

my firstborn | intellectual | athlete, like her daddy | dead lifts 175 lbs. | seeks justice | has a serious personality but occasionally gets so tickled that she can't sop laughing | learning the violin | wants to learn the drums 

Tags: emily, family, glutenfree

my second born and last | the creative type | nicknamed "compassion international" | a friend to the least of these | worship leader in the making | gifted vocalist | gluten free | her favorite color is sparkle

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