We are trying something new in the Kavanaugh home - more structure. We aren't too laid back but we haven't been as structured as we need to be on a few details. This is week two of the new process and things are looking pretty good.
First of all there is diet. This is especially important for us because EE has Celiac Disease - an autoimmune disease which requires the elimination of wheat gluten from her diet. You can imagine what this means...no breads, cakes, cookies, etc. For the first year things were very hard for us. We NEVER knew what to eat and what not to eat. But that was six years ago. I've gotten very familiar with how to make something gluten free...and this requires me to make everything from scratch.
Eating out isn't totally out of the question. Up until a few weeks ago we were a family that ate out more than we ate in. A very busy schedule makes it almost impossible to eat at home. We have our regular spots where we know EE can find gluten free items. Here's the thing: a few times I have found onion rings (battered in wheat) in her french fries. (Yes, one little crumb can wreak havoc on her) There's also the fact that most of the things she can have are very high in fat and sugar. It makes me feel like the world's worst mom when I let her have those things.
So, one of the decisions we made was to park it at our dining room table. It has been quite fun as I have tried new recipes and even veggies that I have never eaten before. Some things have worked very well, some are mediocre and some...well, not so much. But it HAS been fun! It's also healthier. I know for a fact that every bite EE is putting into that cute tummy is good for her and will not cause her to be sick. THAT is worth i.
The second big change is "THE LIST". Have you ever been to the point that you realized you have been doing EVERYTHING for EVERYBODY? Well, Scott noticed this for me...and I'm glad he did. He's trying to help me see that the girls need to take a lot more responsibility than they have been. He made "THE LIST" that the girls have to check each morning and afternoon to make sure everything is done. From cleaning their room to making their own lunches the girls are doing their share! It's been so nice to move that burden from my shoulders to theirs. At first I didn't know what to think about it but I see now that it will benefit them greatly.
One of the other things Scott has done....he takes the girls to school each morning. This provides me with extra time to clean, do laundry, work or get PTO stuff done...in quiet. :) He's a good man!
Not all change is good...but what's been taking place at our house is WONDERFUL! :)